Mind Body Object


RAC Spotlight:  Instructors Shawn Vincent and Heather Hug

May 16 – June 13, 2015
RAC Freeark Gallery
Reception: Saturday, May 16, 6 – 9pm


Watch the artist interview here:

This exhibit is a series of installations and pieces that reflect the nuances and effects of every day life. Our lifestyles and activities have filled our existence with an abundance. This show represents the struggle to keep up with ourselves, our people and our world.  We are in the process of building and collecting what makes us who we are; every object we touch, every cell that breathes life into us…..they are essential to our human condition. Taking a closer look at all the elements in our life can enable us to see the beauty in chaos, the beauty in imperfection.  -Shawn and Heather

Amador Valenzuela